Veto Presbyterian has a deep and rich church history! She was founded on the gospel of the Jesus Christ,
developed in the context of the Reformed and Confessional Theology, and protected by Presbyterian
church government. On November 27, 1896, 17 immigrants from Argylshire, Scotland petitioned the
Presbytery of Athens of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, to organize Veto Presbyterian
Church. This petition was granted, and thus God’s people were established in Veto as a particular body
of Jesus Christ. By the end of 1897, a building was constructed where the church met for worship – its
membership having grown to 45 members. As with any particular body of Christ, Veto Presbyterian has
both endured the pain of trial and tasted the sweetness of victory. In all cases, ultimately, seeking to
bring Glory to God. Fast-forwarding 125 years, the Lord, in His good providence, has seen fit to sustain
Veto as a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Though it has undergone many physical
and theological developments from the time of its inception to the present, Veto is thankful for the
Lord’s provision in keeping her as a congregation who is faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ. To God be
the Glory!